Anthropology grad students receive Fulbright-Hays fellowships

Two Cornell anthropology graduate students will conduct their fieldwork overseas with support from the Fulbright-Hays program.

Higher education in the UK faces challenges post-Brexit

Higher education in the U.K. is undergoing significant change since Brexit, David Llewellyn, vice chancellor of Harper Adams University Oct. 18.

Iscol lecturer takes on Trump immigration policies

Rebecca Heller, co-founder and director of the International Refugee Assistance Project, urged advocating for the rights of refugees Oct. 18.

Events seek to untangle roots of Rohingya crisis

Two upcoming events will attempt to shed light on the ethnic cleansing of 1.1 million Rohingya Muslims living in Myanmar.

For anthropologist, doll exchange is not child’s play

Anthropologist Hirokazu Miyazaki found more than he could have imagined when he looked into "friendship dolls" at the behest of his son.

2017 Iscol lecturer to tackle fight for refugees

Rebecca Heller, co-founder and director of the International Refugee Assistance Project, will deliver the annual Iscol Family Program for Leadership Development in Public Service Lecture Oct. 18.

Journalist to speak on ‘Harbingers and Echoes of the Shoah’ Oct. 17

Journalist Andrea Pitzer, author of “One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps,” will speak on this phenomenon Oct. 17.

Student delegates to attend Clinton Global Initiative conference

Fourteen Cornell student delegates were selected to participate in the Clinton Global Initiative University conference Oct. 13-15 in Boston.

NY Times’ Nicholas Kristof talks inequality, empathy, children

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times delivered the Urie Bronfenbrenner Centennial Lecture Oct. 2.