Dramatic reading of 'The Vagina Monologues' slated for Feb. 14 on campus, and the director of the College Campaign for V-Day will speak Feb. 9

The Vagina Monologues , Eve Ensler's Obie award-winning play that premiered in 1996 and addresses issues of violence against women, will be read at Cornell University on Valentine's Day.

Johnson Museum director, Franklin Robinson, reappointed for five-year term

Cornell Provost Biddy Martin announced May 24 the reappointment of Franklin W. Robinson, the Richard J. Schwartz Director of the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art. The appointment, which is for five years beginning July 1.

Cornell faculty members Yuri Berest and Christiane Linster are selected for Sloan Foundation Research Fellowships

Two members of the Cornell faculty have been selected to receive Sloan Foundation Research Fellowships, the Sloan Foundation has announced. They are Yuri Berest, assistant professor of mathematics, and Christiane Linster, assistant professor of neurobiology and behavior.

Public workshop to launch Cornell's cutting-edge Internet art journal Ctheory Multimedia April 20 and 21

A collaborative workshop drawing from the disciplines of art, science, and computing will be held April 20 and 21 to launch Cornell Library's sponsorship of the Internet art journal Ctheory Multimedia , a semi-annual collection of electronic art and theory to be published this spring.

Poet Ruth Stone to read from her works at Cornell April 19

Celebrated poet Ruth Stone will read from her works at Cornell for the Creative Writing Program's biannual Chasen Poetry Reading Thursday, April 19, at 4 p.m. in the Hollis E. Cornell Auditorium of Goldwin Smith Hall.

Herbert F. Johnson Museum receives $25,000 NEA grant

The National Endowment for the Arts has awarded $25,000 to the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art for its popular Objects and Their Makers: New Insights educational kits for area schools. The program introduces schoolchildren and their teachers to the arts of other cultures.

Singer-songwriter Sam Shaber starts new Willard Straight series, April 24

To kick off the Lauren Pickard '90 Emerging Artist Series at Cornell, the campus's Willard Straight Hall will be showcasing a rising star, Sam Shaber, who has been called "the soul of New York folk."

May 4 art show, auction, banquet and distinguished lecturer will help kick off Mental Health Month

The toll of mental illness is staggering, afflicting some 20 million Americans. The costs of schizophrenia alone are $33 billion a year, according to the National Association in Research in Schizophrenia and Depression.

Albert Williams, drama critic for the Chicago Reader, wins $10,000 George Jean Nathan Award administered by Cornell University

Albert Williams, chief theater critic at the Chicago Reader, is the winner of the 1999-2000 George Jean Nathan Award for Dramatic Criticism.